Digital Photography Success!
Dear Amy,
I'm still progressing through your books (on chapter 10 of Digital Photography Success) and I've also just bought a new camera which is far more advanced/complicated than my old one (it's a Fuji Finepix S9600).
However, at least as I'm getting to grips with it I understand the balance between shutter speeds/aperture and settings like the EV correction on the camera haven't confused me. I've been experimenting with it most days this week and went to the Q1 tower at Surfers Paradise today where I took a few nice landscape shots (as well as quite a few average shots!). However, the camera coupled with my new knowledge I've learned on your course has made a dramatic difference - so thank you.
I've also re-tried a few things having read your book. Up until now my efforts at macro photography have usually been pretty poor but this week has seen a big improvement in this area. Another area concerned shots of the moon this week but in general the moon was either over exposed or its surface was lacking real clarity. I've previously tried this with my old camera and also had pretty average results but I then discovered the sections on photographing the moon in your "Five most popular scenarios" book and now understand what I'm doing wrong - I'll let you know how I get on with my next efforts.
In addition to my efforts, my younger Calum (12), has also decided to start reading through your books, he's claimed my old camera as his own and is taking shots of just about everything he comes across. So I guess you can genuinely claim that you've fired up a bit of enthusiasm for photography in my household!
I'll keep in touch as I work my way through the rest of your books and if I come across something I'm not sure about I'll ask you.
Queensland, Australia
Digital Photography Success!
10 Simple Digital Photography Techniques
16 years ago
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